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Today is June 20, 2024.
All times in Eastern Daylight Time.
Logitech Sync Software Introduces Advanced Room Booking Features for EnterprisesLAUSANNE, Switzerland & SAN JOSE, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Today, Logitech (SIX: LOGN) (NASDAQ: LOGI) introduced powerful software tools for remote access, room booking, usage insights and automati... more »
Logitech Launches MeetUp 2, the AI-Driven, Sustainably-Designed Next Generation of Bestselling Video Bar for Huddle RoomsLAUSANNE, Switzerland & SAN JOSE, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Today, Logitech (SIX: LOGN) (NASDAQ: LOGI) announced MeetUp 2, an AI-powered USB conference camera designed for bring-your-own device (BYO... more »
42 % des entreprises sont prêtes à adopter l'identification numérique, selon une nouvelle étude de RegulaRESTON, Virginie--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Alors que de plus en plus de pays adoptent le concept d'identité numérique, les autorités de régulation sont désireuses de présenter leurs projets et leurs réussi... more »
NEW YORK--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Aqara announced the availability of its Wall Outlet H2 EU, expanding the Company’s energy management product lineup in the European market. more »
Qorium Bolsters Board With Appointment of Elizabeth Bastoni and Martin Brok, Renowned Experts in the Consumer Goods and Retail SectorsMAASTRICHT, Netherlands--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Qorium, announces the appointment of Elizabeth Bastoni as Board Chair and Martin Brok as member of its Board of Directors. more »
LONDON--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Vitesse, a leading treasury and payment solutions provider for the insurance industry, today announced the completion of a $93M Series C funding round led by leading global... more »
8 out of 10 Consumers Prefer Full Digital Banking Experience, yet Some Are Left Short-ChangedMINNEAPOLIS & LONDON--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Onfido, an Entrust company, today announced the results of the End-User Expectations of Digital Identity Report, exploring the growing preference among consum... more »
Swift Standardises Payments End-to-End and Gives Banks Ready-to-Use Tracking Services to Enhance Corporate ExperienceBRUSSELS--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Swift has today set out plans to help financial institutions streamline the cross-border payments experience for their corporate customers, by extending ISO 20022 across ... more »
42% of Companies Ready to Adopt Digital ID, New Regula Study ShowsRESTON, Va.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--As more countries adopt the concept of digital identity, regulators are keen to showcase their plans and successes. But what do businesses think about this shift? To f... more »
Resumen: El 42 % de las empresas están dispuestas a adoptar la identificación digital, según un nuevo estudio de RegulaRESTON, Virginia--(BUSINESS WIRE)--A medida que más países adoptan el concepto de identidad digital, los organismos reguladores se esfuerzan por mostrar sus planes y éxitos. Pero, ¿qué piensan las ... more »
Riassunto: Il 42% delle imprese è pronto a adottare l’ID digitale, rivela un nuovo studio RegulaRESTON, Virginia--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Mentre sempre più nazioni adottano il concetto di identità digitale, le autorità normative desiderano presentare i propri piani e i successi conseguiti. Ma qual è... more »
Samenvatting: 42% van de bedrijven is klaar om digitale ID aan te nemen, zo blijkt uit nieuw onderzoek van RegulaRESTON, Va.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Nu steeds meer landen het concept van digitale identiteit aannemen, willen toezichthouders graag hun plannen en successen onder de aandacht brengen. Maar wat vinden be... more »
42 % der Unternehmen sind bereit, die digitale Identität einzuführen, zeigt eine neue Regula-StudieRESTON, Va.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Da immer mehr Länder das Konzept der digitalen Identität übernehmen, sind die Regulierungsbehörden sehr daran interessiert, ihre Pläne und Erfolge zu präsentieren. Abe... more »
GIGABYTE präsentiert auf der COMPUTEX jede Menge Rechenleistung und stellt sich der neuen KI-gestützten EntwicklungTAIPEI--(BUSINESS WIRE)--GIGABYTE Technology, ein führender IT-Innovator, steht an der Spitze der Weiterentwicklung globaler Industrien durch Cloud- und KI-Computing-Systeme und schafft durch Hardw... more »
Reactive Technologies Raises £25M (US$31.4M) to Support Global Expansion in Funding Round led by M&G, BGF, and Breakthrough Energy VenturesLONDON--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Reactive Technologies, the UK and Finland-based leader in grid stability measurements, announced today the successful completion of a Series D funding round. The £25 millio... more »