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Today is June 20, 2024.
All times in Eastern Daylight Time.
Behnke Inc. Equips Entire Fleet with Road Ready Advanced Telematics for Enhanced Asset Tracking and EfficiencySOUTHFIELD, Mich.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Behnke Inc., a leading provider of transportation services in the Midwest, has recently partnered with Road Ready, the advanced telematics and digital fleet mana... more »
Infobip integriert Google Vertex AI in RCS, um konversationelle KI anzubietenVODNJAN, Kroatien--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Die globale Kommunikationsplattform Infobip bietet Unternehmen und Marken nun Zugang zu konversationeller KI und KI-fähigen Chatbots auf RCS Business Messaging d... more »
DALLAS--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Last week’s $150 million jury verdict in a whistleblower case against Johnson & Johnson subsidiary Janssen Products, LP could grow to more than $1 billion in damages an... more »
ドイツ・ハンブルク--(BUSINESS WIRE)--(ビジネスワイヤ) -- All-in-One Financial SuperApp NAGA(オールインワン金融スーパーアプリNAGA)を提供するNAGA Group AG(XETRA:N4G、ISIN:DE000A161NR7)は、アナリスト、投資家、株主、メディア、パートナーを、2024年7月11日16:00(中央ヨーロッパ夏時間... more »
- dévoile Elisa : une assistante de recherche dotée d'un LLM pour les scientifiques des industries pharmaceutiques et biotechnologiquesSAN DIEGO--(BUSINESS WIRE), la principale place de marché mondiale pour la recherche biopharmaceutique, a annoncé aujourd'hui le lancement d'un nouvel assistant de recherche basé sur... more »
- stellt Elisa vor: Eine LLM-gestützte Forschungsassistentin für Wissenschaftler in der pharmazeutischen und biotechnologischen IndustrieSAN DIEGO--(BUSINESS WIRE), der weltweit führende Marktplatz für biopharmazeutische Forschung, kündigte heute die Einführung eines neuen Large Language Model (LLM)-gestützten Forschu... more »
Takeda présente au congrès annuel de la PNS des données à long terme de l’essai clinique ADVANCE-CIDP 3 de Phase 3 portant sur l’administration de HYQVIA® à des patients atteints de polyradiculonévrite inflammatoire démyélinisante chronique (PIDC)OSAKA, Japon, et CAMBRIDGE, Massachusetts--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Takeda (TSE : 4502/NYSE : TAK) a publié aujourd’hui des données de l’essai clinique ADVANCE-CIDP 3 de Phase 3, une étude d'extension à lo... more »
Priority Health Expands into Northern Indiana, Ohio through Acquisition of Physicians Health Plan of Northern IndianaGRAND RAPIDS, Mich.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Priority Health, a Michigan-based health plan serving more than 1.3 million members, and Physicians Health Plan of Northern Indiana (PHPNI) have announced plan... more »
CORRECTING and REPLACING BreachBits Announces Agreement Between SentryMark and Nippon Telematique for Distribution of BreachRisk™ Solutions in JapanWASHINGTON--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Sixth paragraph, first sentence of release dated June 16, 2024 should read: Masaaki Miyasono, President at NTI, stated... (instead of Misaaki Miyazono, President at NTI... more »
LONDON--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Xtrackers Investment company with variable capital (Société d'investissement à capital variable) Registered office: 49, avenue J.F. Kennedy, L-1855 Luxembourg R.C.S. Luxe... more »
LONDON--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Re: United Utilities Water Plc GBP 100,000,000.00 MATURING: 07-Jul-2056 ISIN: XS0260401244 PLEASE BE ADVISED THAT THE INTEREST RATE FOR THE PERIOD 07-Jan-2024 TO 07-Jul-2... more »
LONDON--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Re: United Utilities Water Plc GBP 100,000,000.00 MATURING: 12-Jul-2057 ISIN: XS0309194321 PLEASE BE ADVISED THAT THE INTEREST RATE FOR THE PERIOD 12-Jan-2024 TO 12-Jul-2... more »
LONDON--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Re: Nordic Investment Bank EUR 10,000,000.00 MATURING: 21-Dec-2027 ISIN: XS2569312577 PLEASE BE ADVISED THAT THE INTEREST RATE FOR THE PERIOD 21-Jun-2024 TO 23-Sep-2024 H... more »
LONDON--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Re: United Utilities Water Plc GBP 70,000,000.00 MATURING: 21-Jul-2039 ISIN: XS0441379418 PLEASE BE ADVISED THAT THE INTEREST RATE FOR THE PERIOD 21-Jan-2024 TO 21-Jul-20... more »
LONDON--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Xtrackers II Investment company with variable capital (Société d'investissement à capital variable) Registered office: 49, avenue J.F. Kennedy, L-1855 Luxembourg R.C.S. L... more »