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Today is June 20, 2024.
All times in Eastern Daylight Time.
Riassunto: presenta Elisa: un assistente di ricerca alimentato da modelli linguistici di grandi dimensioni (LLM) per scienziati dell'industria farmaceutica e delle biotecnologieSAN DIEGO--(BUSINESS WIRE), il marketplace leader al mondo per la ricerca biofarmaceutica, ha annunciato oggi il lancio di un nuovo assistente di ricerca alimentato da un modello lin... more »
Samenvatting: onthult Elisa: een onderzoeksassistent met LLM-ondersteuning voor wetenschappers in de farmaceutische en biotechnologische industrieSAN DIEGO--(BUSINESS WIRE), 's werelds toonaangevende marktplaats voor biofarmaceutisch onderzoek, kondigde vandaag de lancering aan van een nieuwe, door een groot taalmodel (LLM) aa... more »
Cipher Neutron Achieves Breakthrough Efficiency with its AEM Electrolyser StackTORONTO--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Canadian company Cipher Neutron Inc. (“Cipher Neutron”, the “Company” or “CN”) is pleased to announce a significant milestone in the exponentially growing global green hyd... more »
PARIS--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Evexta Bio SA, a clinical-stage biotechnology company focused on developing first-in-class therapies in oncology, announces the appointment of Shawn M. Leland, PharmD, RPh a... more »
North America Wood Coatings Growth Opportunity Analysis 2024-2030: Sustainable Wood Coatings, Strategic Partnerships, New Colour Shades for Kitchen Cabinetry and RTA Furniture - ResearchAndMarkets.comDUBLIN--(BUSINESS WIRE)--The "North America Wood Coatings Growth Opportunities" report has been added to's offering. The study identifies the factors that are driving and res... more »
德国汉堡--(BUSINESS WIRE)--(美国商业资讯)-- 一体化金融超级应用程序NAGA的提供商The NAGA Group AG (XETRA: N4G, ISIN: DE000A161NR7)诚邀分析师、投资者、股东以及媒体与合作伙伴于中欧夏令时2024年7月11日16:00参加其线上举行的资本市场日活动。2024年资本市场日将提供有关NAGA Group战略愿景和发展雄心的宝... more »
德國漢堡--(BUSINESS WIRE)--(美國商業資訊)-- 整合式金融超級應用程式NAGA的供應商The NAGA Group AG (XETRA: N4G, ISIN: DE000A161NR7)誠邀分析師、投資人、股東以及媒體與合作夥伴于中歐夏令時2024年7月11日16:00參加其線上舉行的資本市場日活動。2024年資本市場日將提供有關NAGA Group策略願景和發展雄心的寶... more »
Tecnotree宣布与HCLTech建立战略合作伙伴关系,为全球电信企业提供以5G为主导的先进GenAI解决方案芬兰艾斯波--(BUSINESS WIRE)--(美国商业资讯)-- Tecnotree是人工智能、5G 和云原生技术领域的全球数字平台和服务领导者。该公司今天宣布与全球领先的技术公司HCLTech建立战略合作伙伴关系,共同为电信行业开发以5G为主导的先进生成式人工智能(GenAI)解决方案。 此次合作结合了Tecnotree成熟的5G和人工智能主导的业务支持系统(BSS)平台能力,以及HC... more »
Tecnotree宣布與HCLTech建立策略性合作夥伴關係,為全球電信企業提供以5G為主導的先進GenAI解決方案芬蘭艾斯波--(BUSINESS WIRE)--(美國商業資訊)-- Tecnotree是人工智慧、5G 和雲端原生科技領域的全球數位平台和服務領導者。該公司今天宣布與全球首屈一指的科技公司HCLTech建立策略性合作夥伴關係,共同為電信產業開發以5G為主導的先進生成式人工智慧(GenAI)解決方案。 此次合作結合了Tecnotree成熟的5G和人工智慧主導的業務支援系統(BSS)平台能力,... more »
AM Green bereikt historische mijlpaal: eerste Indiase project dat EU-precertificering voor CertifHy ontvangt voor haar groene ammoniakfabriek in KakinadaKAKINADA, India en BRUSSEL--(BUSINESS WIRE)--AM Green (voorheen Greenko ZeroC), 's werelds toonaangevende leverancier van oplossingen voor de energietransitie, heeft de hoog aangeschreven CertifHy ... more »
AM Green erreicht einen historischen Meilenstein: Erstes indisches Projekt, das die EU-Vorzertifizierung für seine grüne Ammoniakanlage in Kakinada erhalten hatKAKINADA, Indien & BRÜSSEL--(BUSINESS WIRE)--AM Green (ehemals Greenko ZeroC), der weltweit führende Anbieter von Lösungen für die Energiewende, hat für sein grünes Ammoniakprojekt in Kakinada, Ind... more »
AM Green franchit une étape historique : le premier projet indien à obtenir la précertification de l’UE pour son usine d’ammoniac vert à KakinadaKAKINADA, Inde et BRUXELLES--(BUSINESS WIRE)--AM Green (anciennement Greenko ZeroC), leader mondial des solutions de transition énergétique, a obtenu la précertification CertifHy RFNBO de l’UE pour... more »
Hagar Announces Published Clinical Data on GWave TechnologyTEL AVIV, Israel--(BUSINESS WIRE)--HAGAR, the developer of GWave, a revolutionary non-invasive continuous glucose monitoring technology that uses RF waves to measure glucose levels in the blood, an... more »
Werner® Named a Top 3PL and Cold Storage Provider by Food LogisticsOMAHA, Neb.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Werner Enterprises, Inc. (Nasdaq: WERN), a premier transportation and logistics provider, proudly announces its recognition as a Top 3PL and Cold Storage Provider by F... more »
New Sleepypod Crash Test Dummy Dogs Test the Efficacy of Car Safety RestraintsPASADENA, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Sleepypod®, a Pasadena-based company known for reinventing pet products through innovative design, today announces it has expanded its family of proprietary crash... more »