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Today is June 20, 2024.
All times in Eastern Daylight Time.
Cigent Endpoint Data Protection Stops Ransomware, with Zero-Trust Access ProtectionFT. MYERS, Fla.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Cigent® Technology, Inc., the leader in cybersecurity for endpoints and storage devices, today announced the Cigent Endpoint Data Protection Platform that protects... more »
Ironwood Late-Breaker Oral Presentation at Digestive Disease Week® Reinforces Potential of Once-Weekly Apraglutide for Adults with Short Bowel Syndrome with Intestinal Failure (SBS-IF)BOSTON--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Ironwood Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (Nasdaq: IRWD), a GI-focused healthcare company, will present late-breaking data during the 2024 Digestive Disease Week® (DDW) meeting from i... more »
Samenvatting: Lubrizol kondigt Lubrizol® CV9660 aan, een low-Saps oplossing voor zware toepassingen die meerdere viscositeitsgraden dektCLEVELAND--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Lubrizol, wereldwijd leider in additieventechnologie voor de transportindustrie, heeft Lubrizol® CV9660 gelanceerd. Deze nieuwe low-SAPS heavy duty smeermiddeltechnologi... more »
Scale AI Raises $1 Billion Series F to Push The Frontier of AI DataSAN FRANCISCO--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Scale AI, the data foundry for AI, today announced it has closed a $1 billion financing transaction, bringing the company to a valuation of nearly $14 billion. Exist... more »
Riassunto: Lubrizol annuncia Lubrizol® CV9660, una soluzione per usi intensivi a basso contenuto di SAPS che copre vari gradi di viscositàCLEVELAND--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Lubrizol, un leader globale nella tecnologia degli additivi per l'industria dei trasporti, ha lanciato Lubrizol® CV9660, una nuova tecnologia lubrificante per usi intens... more »
Ooredoo Qatar Extends Partnership With Netcracker for Revenue Management and Managed Services Across All Lines of BusinessWALTHAM, Mass.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Ooredoo Qatar will continue leveraging Netcracker’s Digital BSS and Managed Services to support B2C and B2B customers. more »
Lenovo推出最新款Yoga Slim 7x和ThinkPad T14s Gen 6,強勢助推下一代Copilot+ PC北卡羅來納州莫里斯維爾--(BUSINESS WIRE)--(美國商業資訊)-- 今天,Lenovo™推出Lenovo Yoga™ Slim 7x和Lenovo ThinkPad™ T14s Gen 6,這是其首款搭載Snapdragon® X Elite處理器的下一代Copilot+ PC。隨著PC產業進入人工智慧時代的新階段,Lenovo已準備好在其PC產品組合中提供全新的個人運算個人化... more »
Lenovo推出最新款Yoga Slim 7x和ThinkPad T14s Gen 6增强下一代Copilot+个人电脑性能北卡罗来纳州莫里斯维尔--(BUSINESS WIRE)--(美国商业资讯)-- Lenovo ™今天推出了Lenovo Yoga™ Slim 7x和Lenovo ThinkPad™ T14s Gen 6,这是其首款搭载Snapdragon® X Elite的新一代Copilot+个人电脑。随着个人电脑行业进入人工智能时代的新阶段,Lenovo致力于将其个人电脑产品组合的个人计算性能提升到新... more »
Join Ekran System for an Insightful Webinar With Jonathan Care, an Established Cybersecurity Expert and Former Gartner Analyst, Who Will Unveil Powerful Strategies for Optimizing Third-party Vendor MonitoringNEEDHAM, Mass.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Join Ekran System for a third-party vendor monitoring webinar with Jonathan Care, a cybersecurity expert and former Gartner analyst more »
Atom Bioscience Marks Gout Awareness Day with Video Detailing Risks of Hyperuricemia, the Cause of GoutJIANGSU, China--(BUSINESS WIRE)--"Patients also should understand that chronic gout has been linked to many diseases including heart attacks and kidney disease.” more »
HighField Biopharmaceuticals to Present Preclinical Data of HFG1, a Unique mRNA-based GLP-1R Agonist, for Treatment of Diabetes, at ADA’s 84th Scientific SessionsHANGZHOU, China--(BUSINESS WIRE)--HFG1’s LNP complex was designed to provide consistent expression of a GLP-1R agonist for diabetes and weight loss with fewer injections. more »
Le CCF enrichit son offre de Private Equity en signant un partenariat avec Goldman SachsPARIS--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Regulatory News: Le CCF enrichit son offre de Private Equity en signant un partenariat avec Goldman Sachs. Merci de noter que cette communication concerne uniquement le marc... more »
リアリティー番組のスターであるモリー・ピアース氏が、世界中の何百万人もの人々に影響を及ぼしている疾患における不平等に取り組むキャンペーンを支援韓国、仁川--(BUSINESS WIRE)--(ビジネスワイヤ) -- セルトリオンは、今年の世界IBDデー(2024年5月19日)に、TVスターであるモリー・ピアース氏と提携し、「Where's Crohn's & Colitis (CC)?」キャンペーン第2弾を立ち上げました。 本キャンペーンは、IBDに苦しむ人々が世界的に増加する中でIBDのケアと治療へのアクセスに焦点を当て... more »
Alpha Match Brings Best-Execution and Efficiency to the Fund Finance Market Against a Backdrop of Increased Regulation and LP ScrutinyLONDON--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Alpha Group International plc (LON:ALPH) today announced the launch of Alpha Match. Alpha Match is Alpha’s digital debt intermediary service. It is disrupting the fund fina... more »
Veolia Strengthens Its Energy Consulting Offer With the Acquisition of MRC Consultants & Transaction Advisers by SeurecaPARIS--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Veolia strengthens its energy consulting offer with the acquisition of MRC Consultants & Transaction Advisers by Seureca more »